Risk ratings are divided into 1R-6R. After you buy a financial product, there will be detailed instructions in the instruction manual. 1R is the lowest and 2R is the highest. Generally, the Delibao New Green series are 1R, with fixed interest rates and fixed periods. The starting point
The amount is a minimum of RMB 50,000. The risks of 1R include liquidity, which means that it cannot be withdrawn in advance before maturity, interest rate risk, and interest rates will not increase when the national interest rate financial products are purchased after purchase, credit risk, etc. In actual situations, it can be understood as
Risk-free, and by analogy, 2R is generally the Hailan series, trust products, general investment bonds or project loans, which means that the product may be redeemed in advance before the specified date, but the agreed interest rate remains unchanged. 3R means that the principal is stable and the interest rate is floating.
, but it will not be zero. 4R means that the maximum loss of the principal is 5%. Generally, investment in futures or currencies, a basket of currencies, etc., 5R means that neither the principal nor the income is guaranteed, but the principal will not be completely lost, such as funds, 6R is generally
In margin trading such as investment options and foreign exchange, all principal may be lost, and the corresponding returns are proportional to the risk.
When purchasing, a dedicated account manager will explain that a risk assessment must be done for the first purchase.