According to the examination announcement issued by the Asset Management Association of China, the Association does not hold pre-exam training for the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination, does not publish exam coaching materials, and has never authorized any institution or individual to hold relevant training or publish relevant coaching materials.
Some websites and training institutions falsely claim to provide real questions for the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination, defrauding candidates of their money.
Candidates are advised to be vigilant and not to be gullible to avoid being deceived.
If candidates discover that they are committing fraud in the name of providing real questions for the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination and have specific clues, they can report it to the association or the local public security agency.
The website for exam registration, admission ticket printing and score inquiry is the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination Registration Website (). Candidates are required to directly enter the above webpage to handle registration related matters.
In order to prevent phishing websites from stealing candidates' personal information, candidates should try to avoid jumping to the registration webpage through links on other websites.