Formula for calculating the expected annualized expected return of index funds How to calculate the expected annualized expected return of Yu 'ebao?
Because net worth products no longer have "historical expected annualized expected rate of return", investors need to calculate the historical net worth of products into historical expected annualized expected rate of return if they want to compare with "historical expected annualized expected rate of return" products.
The approximate formula of historical expected annualized expected rate of return is: historical expected annualized expected rate of return = (current net value-initial net value) ÷ initial net value ÷ days of establishment ×365 days.
If the product has been established 1 year, the historical expected annualized expected rate of return can be directly calculated by the following formula: historical expected annualized expected rate of return = (net value of the day-net value of the corresponding day of last year) ÷ net value of the corresponding day of last year.
For example, the initial net value of a net-worth wealth management product is 1 yuan, and its net value is 270 days after its establishment, and its historical expected annualized rate of return =(÷ 1÷270×365≈ Description: The historical expected annualized rate of return calculated by the historical net value of the product can only represent its historical expected annualized rate of return, not like "historical expected annualized rate of return"