What is the approximate process of secondary reimbursement for serious illness?
Insured households submit the required materials for reimbursement to the village (community) cooperative medical liaison, and report to the town cooperative medical liaison after the audit of the village (community) cooperative medical liaison, and the town cooperative medical liaison will send it to the district agricultural office for reimbursement. Guide to reimbursement procedures for hospitalization of the new rural cooperative medical system: direct reimbursement in the hospital: when going through hospitalization procedures due to illness, you can go to the hospital directly to participate in reimbursement with the certificate of the new rural cooperative medical system. Reimbursement by the town's new rural cooperative medical office: the reimbursement materials are brought to the new rural cooperative medical office by individuals, reported by the town's agricultural medical office to the county's agricultural medical office for reimbursement, and then the town's agricultural medical office calls to collect reimbursement fees. Required materials: discharge certificate, official invoice, expense list, household registration book, ID card and rural cooperative medical certificate. Hospitalization in different places requires preparation: hospitalization summary, first hospitalization course record and discharge record. Hospitalization outside the district requires preparation: admission records and discharge records.