Fund investment is an indirect way of securities investment. Fund management companies concentrate investors' funds by issuing fund shares, which are managed and used by fund custodians and fund managers, and then invest in financial instruments such as stocks and bonds, and then * * * bear the investment risks and share the benefits.
Generally speaking, the securities investment fund is an investment tool that collects the funds of many investors and gives them to the bank for safekeeping, and the fund management company is responsible for investing in stocks, bonds and other securities in order to maintain and increase the value.
The income from fund investment comes from the future. For example, if you want to redeem stock funds, you can first look at whether the future development of the stock market is a bull market or a bear market, and make a choice on the timing when deciding whether to redeem them. If it is a bull market, it can be held for a period of time to maximize the income. If it is a bear market, you can redeem it in advance, so that the bags can live in peace.