Good liquidity and high capital security. These characteristics are mainly due to the fact that the money market is a low-risk and high-liquidity market. At the same time, investors can transfer the fund shares at any time as needed, regardless of the maturity date.
Low risk. The term of money market instruments is usually very short, and the average term of money market fund portfolio is usually 4 ~ 6 months, so the risk is low, and its price is usually only affected by market interest rate.
The investment cost is low. Money market funds usually do not charge redemption fees and have low management fees. The annual management fee of money market funds is about 0.25% ~ 1% of the fund's net asset value, which is lower than the traditional annual management fee 1% ~ 2.5%.
Money market funds are all open-end funds. Money market funds are usually regarded as risk-free or low-risk investment tools, which are suitable for short-term capital investment to earn interest in case of emergency, especially in the case of high interest rate, high inflation rate, reduced liquidity of securities and reduced credibility, which can prevent the loss of principal.