Method 1 of inserting endnotes: shortcut keys ctrl+alt+d Method 2 of inserting endnotes: shortcut keys ctrl+alt+f Insert footnotes, and then convert footnotes to endnotes Question 1: Endnote serial number style The default serial number style is i, ii
,iii... Generally, it should be changed to the style of [1], [2], [3]....
The method is: ① Press alt and then s and then q on the shortcut key to bring up the endnote and footnote property boxes, select the appropriate number style, and click Apply; ② The serial number style is changed to 1, 2, 3... But how to add [
Where is the number?
The replacement function is used here.
③Ctrl+f brings up the find and replace box, click the "More" format button below, select "Special" characters in "Replace", select "Endnote Marker", you can find that "^e" is automatically entered in the search text box
"; In the replacement text box, first enter the desired serial number symbol such as "[ ]", move the cursor inside "[ ]", select "Any text (find what test)" in the "Special" character, and replace the text box
This completes the input of the replacement character "[^&]".
It is best to do this step after the full text is completed and the references are complete, otherwise it will be more troublesome to add references and change them once.
Question 2: Continuous endnotes refer to documents. Especially in the literature review section, several citations are often listed together, such as [21-25]. However, Word does not have this function, and the middle documents cannot be deleted, otherwise the end
Note citations will also be automatically deleted, so I have to use a relatively stupid method: ① First insert all endnotes according to the conventional method, including replacement styles. If there are consecutive endnotes, they will not be processed first, such as forming [3][4
Continuous endnotes such as ][5][6] should be changed into the form of "[3-6]" below.
②Select the characters "][4][5][", press alt on the shortcut key and then press H-FN to bring up the font attribute box. Check the "Hide" checkbox in the "Effect" option to hide the selected characters.
This meets the formal requirements and can also retain citation links.
Question 3: Delete the short horizontal line before the endnote. Word will automatically add a horizontal line before the endnote. Generally, it needs to be removed: ① Change the view to normal view ② Ctrl+alt+d to call up the endnote editor below
column, select "Endnote Separator" in the drop-down menu, and a dash will appear, which can be deleted.