If you buy funds through personal online banking, there is no geographical restriction.
Please log in to personal online banking and select "online securities"-> "online fund"->; "account management"->; "Bank-side fund transaction account opening", self-help fund transaction account opening according to the prompt;
When purchasing funds, please select "online securities"->; "online fund"->; "fund transaction"->; "Fund purchase", if you haven't opened the TA account of the purchased fund, the system will automatically guide you to open the TA account and complete the fund purchase;
If you have already opened a TA account of a fund company in a different branch of ICBC, please select "Online Securities" after successfully opening a bank-side fund trading account-> "online fund"->; "account management"->; "TA account registration of OTC fund companies of the Bank", not "TA account opening of fund companies". Generally, to buy an open-end fund issued by a fund company, you only need to open a TA account of the fund company.
We don't charge for purchasing funds through personal online banking.
In addition, the purchase of this fund will not affect your handling of other businesses through online banking.