1. Jiaqi Real Cash Plus product risk level currency fund is the smallest risk among all funds. Jiaqi Real Cash Plus is a currency fund, its risk level is low risk, and Yu'e Bao The security is the same. Unless there is a serious financial crisis, generally monetary funds will not suffer losses, so the risk of adding cash to Jiajia is very small.
2. The historical performance of Jiaqi Real Cash The historical performance of a financial product can also tell its risk profile. In the 18 months since its establishment, although Real Cash has experienced sluggish short-term expected returns, its seven-day annualized expected returns have remained above most of the time. The seven-day annualized expected rate of return is as of March 19), the expected income is RMB 10,000, and the overall expected income performance in recent times has been relatively stable. Therefore, investing in Jiashi Jintianli is not only safe but also provides stable expected returns. It is a good investment target for investors with low risk tolerance.
Conclusion: After the analysis, I believe everyone already knows that the risk of investing in Jiali Real Estate is very small and within the tolerance of most people. If you are interested, you can go to Tencent Financial Management Learn more about specific situations.