Xiamen Silicon Valley Torch Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) is a limited partnership registered in Xiamen City, Fujian Province on May 19, 2017. Its registered address is located at Haijing Road, Xiamen Area (Bonded Port Zone), China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone
Unit 193, Unit 401, Building 1, No. 268.
The unified social credit code/registration number of Xiamen Silicon Valley Torch Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) is 91350200MA2Y8X5X73. The corporate legal person is Xiamen Silicon Valley Xiachuang Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership). The company is currently in business.
Xiamen Silicon Valley Torch Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), within this province, the current registered capital of the company is average.
Xiamen Silicon Valley Torch Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) has invested in 1 company and has 0 branches.
View more information and information about Xiamen Silicon Valley Torch Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) through Baidu Enterprise Credit.
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