Calculation formula of after-tax profit
Calculation formula of after-tax operating profit: after-tax operating profit = total profit-income tax expense; In which: total profit = operating profit+net investment income+non-operating income-non-operating expenditure; Net investment income = investment income-investment loss; Operating profit = main business income-main business cost+other business income-other business cost-sales expenses-management expenses-financial expenses-taxes and fees-asset impairment loss+fair value change income (or fair value change loss)+investment income (or-investment loss). After-tax operating profit refers to the total profit, and the company's profits are retained after paying income tax according to regulations. Calculation formula of after-tax operating profit: after-tax operating profit = total profit-income tax expense; In which: total profit = operating profit+net investment income+non-operating income-non-operating expenditure; Net investment income = investment income-investment loss; Operating profit = main business income-main business cost+other business income-other business cost-sales expenses-management expenses-financial expenses-taxes and fees-asset impairment loss+fair value change income (or fair value change loss)+investment income (or-investment loss). After-tax operating profit refers to the total profit, and the company's profits are retained after paying income tax according to regulations.