On the whole, when choosing fund products, Sharp ratio is a good indicator to measure product risk, but Sharp ratio will be affected by factors such as fund type and scale, which needs rational consideration. Funds with high tip rate tend to have small plates and low popularity, and most of them also have one-time subscription quota restrictions.
I haven't seen a platform that can rank only by sharp ratio. But you can see the situation of each fund in the general fund file. However, the above method can obtain a 3-year Sharp rate, and its fund list provides the standard deviation. The list contains this data, plus annualized income data, so there is only a risk-free interest rate distance from Sharp rate.
What is the Sharp ratio of funds?
In order to weigh the expected return and risk more effectively, many investors will use the Sharp ratio of the fund. Sharp ratio, also known as Sharp Index, is an index that comprehensively judges expected returns and risks, and to some extent, it can reflect the corresponding risks of fund products when they obtain certain expected returns. Its core is to help investors choose the most cost-effective portfolio.