Judging from the valuation indicators of A-shares, A-shares are still in a safe area, and the median P/E ratio and P/B ratio of all A-shares are far lower than those in the market bubble period. Looking at the A-share market at the current time node, many fund managers also said that they are not pessimistic. What should you do if the fund you hold is at a loss at this time?
I can give you three suggestions here.
First, if the fund you hold can be said to be an excellent fund recognized by the market, or a product managed by an excellent fund manager, then try to relax. Taking Public Offering of Fund, which has been established for five years, as an example, the passive index fund is put forward. We can find that the annualized income of other high-net-worth fund products has exceeded 1 0 since its establishment, except those funds whose net worth is less than 1 and whose net worth is12.
Second, the expected rate of return of decentralized allocation funds and equity fund products is relatively high, which is favored by most investors, but it does not mean to follow up the whole position. From the statistical results, in the past fifteen years, the yields of different proportions of stocks and bonds are slightly different, and the volatility will decrease significantly because of the increase of the proportion of bonds. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate assets as balanced as possible.
Third, establish the concept of long-term investment. Fidelity Fund, a Public Offering of Fund giant in the United States, analyzed the customer data and found that the three types of people with the best investment performance are: accounts whose customers have died but the fund company still doesn't know; accounts whose customers have died but their heirs are fighting for property and their accounts have been frozen for a long time; and accounts whose customers forget that they have accounts and don't log in for a long time.
These three types of people can be said to be passive long-term investments, but they have also achieved good returns.
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