1. Risk rating of the product According to the current + product page, the risk rating of Guojin Zhongying Currency is low risk. Although it does not promise to guarantee capital and expected returns, as a currency fund, the risk of Guojin Zhongying Currency is relatively small among all funds, and its safety can still make people feel reassured. Monetary funds will not easily lose money if they do not encounter bond defaults or user runs.
2. The investment scope of the product. As a monetary fund, Guojin Zhongying Currency mainly invests in money market instruments such as certificates of deposit, treasury bonds, and central bank bills. These investment types are expected to have stable returns, high safety, and low losses. The possibility is very small.
3. Historical performance of the product Guojin Zhongying Currency was established in June 2015. In the past few years, its performance has been excellent, ranking among the best in its category, and losses are even more impossible. . In the past year, its annualized expected rate of return has remained above the expected rate of return in 2018, and its performance is very stable. Judging from the historical expected return performance of Guojin Zhongying Currency, investing in Guojin Zhongying Currency not only did not cause losses, but also resulted in a stable and high expected return level. Judging from historical performance, investing in this product is relatively safe.
Through the analysis of the above three aspects, it can be seen that the security of Guojin Zhongying Currency is relatively high. Although it does not guarantee capital as a currency fund, the possibility of product losses is unlikely!