Calculation rules for expected returns of Guojin and Day 7. If you want to know why there is no expected return for Guojin and Day 7 after purchasing, we must first understand its expected return calculation rules. If you purchase National Gold before 15:00 from Monday to Thursday and on the 7th day, you can confirm the share and start calculating expected returns the next day; if you purchase between 15:00 on Thursday and 15:00 on Friday, you need to wait until the next Monday. Only after confirming the share can the expected return be calculated; if you subscribe after 15:00 on Friday or on the weekend, you will have to wait until the next Tuesday to calculate the expected return.
The reason for not displaying expected returns. According to the expected return calculation rules introduced above, it is possible that Guojin and Guojin did not display expected returns on the 7th day because everyone chose to purchase after 15:00 on Thursday to confirm the share. The time was extended for several days, resulting in no expected benefits. Therefore, if you want to buy Guojin and the 7th day, you should try to buy before 15:00 on Thursday, so that you can have expected profits the next day and avoid idle funds.
Conclusion: From the above analysis, we can know that the failure of Guojin and the expected profit on the 7th day to show is probably caused by incorrect purchase timing. You don’t need to worry too much and wait a few more days to see.