Graded funds can be subscribed or redeemed by on-site and off-site means. On-site purchase, subscription and redemption are carried out through securities companies qualified for fund consignment business in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Over-the-counter subscription, subscription and redemption can be handled through the business place where the fund manager's direct selling agency or consignment agency handles the fund sales business, or through other means provided by the fund manager's direct selling agency or consignment agency. After the two types of shares of graded funds are listed, investors can trade through securities companies.
After getting the fund prospectus, I suggest you pay attention to the following three points:
1. Look at the agreed expected annualized expected rate of return, and query the relevant benchmark expected annualized interest rate according to the agreed expected annualized expected rate of return, and also look at the expected annualized interest rate of the market at that time and its trend; If the expected annualized interest rate continues to rise, products with fixed expected annualized expected returns and products with shares will not be introduced for the time being;
Second, look at the initial lever. Those who like adventure can choose a larger lever, and those who are conservative and steady can choose a smaller lever; Generally speaking, the prospectus will not directly indicate the size of the leverage. At this point, investors need to pay attention to the proportion of B shares in the total number of funds. The greater the ratio, the greater the leverage;
Third, look at the discount terms. Generally speaking, if there is a downward discount clause in the prospectus, it is beneficial to conservative investors.