1, the purchase price is different.
The same fund, everyone buys different time nodes. For the same fund, investors' research and analysis results are different. Because investors have different investment knowledge and fund analysis ability, different investors have different judgments on funds. Some people like to buy funds when the fund price falls, while others like to buy funds when the fund price rises, which leads many investors to buy the same fund at different prices. Different buying prices may lead to the ultimate income of investors.
2. The price is different.
Any investment is just beginning when it is bought. Whether the final income is profit or loss depends on the selling price. As long as the selling price is higher than the buying price, investors can make a profit. If the selling price is lower than the buying price, investors may lose money. Everyone's investors have a certain tolerance for the increase or decrease of the fund. When this range exceeds the range that investors can bear, then investors will start trading, and some people will inevitably make profits and some will lose money.
For buying the same fund, some people make a profit and some people lose money. This situation is normal. Everyone's tolerance for risk is different, and the buying and selling decisions will be different. The buying and selling prices will be different, which will eventually make different people's investment results different. The same investment, some people earn and some people lose, makes the market more interesting.
Hello, I'm Lao Xu, a struggling financial worker. Please pay attention to me and discuss financial problems with me!