Open a fund account with a bank or fund company. Banks can act as agents for many fund companies, and specially open accounts to find bank financial counters. Generally speaking, investors need to bring the debit card of the correspondent bank and valid identity documents (ID card, military officer's card or armed police card) to the bank's counter outlets to fill in the fund business application form, and then receive the business receipt after completing it. Individual investors also need to get a fund trading card, and they can get business confirmation at the counter two days after handling the fund business. Units or individuals can engage in fund subscription and redemption after receiving business confirmation.
Each fund company will have an independent fund account, so you need to apply to the fund company for opening an account to buy profiles of different fund companies. In fact, if investors handle transactions through agencies (such as banks and securities companies), you only need to open a special account for fund transactions (such as banks and securities companies). When investors buy funds, (banks, securities companies) will automatically apply to the fund company for customers' accounts in the fund company. Everyone knows how to open a capital account and a trading account.