Option arrangement as an integral part of other financial instruments, as opposed to general (or simple) options traded separately from related securities.
Swap option
Swap option is a way to adjust the exercise price in order to ensure the realization of the expected goal of stock option and avoid the loss of employees' interests when the company's stock price falls. It is essentially a choice rather than an exchange. The subject matter of the option is an exchange, and the buyer of the exchange option has to pay a sum of cash as the cost of exercising the exchange contract in a certain period of time in the future. It is worth noting that almost all swap options are European options, that is, option contracts can only be exercised on the maturity date, not before that-American options.
Option mutual fund
Option fund refers to an investment fund that invests in stock options that can distribute dividends.
Option theory and method
Important characteristics of modern credit risk model. This method refers to the use of option pricing theory to evaluate risky bonds and loans and measure their credit risks.