Monetary fund is a short-term investment and financial management tool, which is more suitable for managing liquidity, short-term funds or temporary funds whose use is difficult to determine temporarily; For medium and long-term funds of more than one year, investors should choose financial products with higher returns such as bonds and equity funds.
Buy high and don't buy low, check the rate of return of money funds, and try to choose high-yield money funds with annualized rate of return always in the forefront.
One more thing, the fund size should be moderate. For smaller money funds, in the market environment of falling interest rates, the continuous entry of incremental funds will rapidly dilute the investment income of money funds, while large money funds have no such worries. In the market environment of rising interest rates, the smaller monetary funds "turn around" and the fund's yield will rise rapidly. Therefore, it is best for investors to choose a money fund with moderate scale and strong operational ability.
I posted it, except what Chongqing financial experts said before every sentence, hehe.