This will spread the risk evenly, and many a mickle makes a mickle.
Suggest investing in index funds
Index funds hold equity funds with long-term returns higher than 70%.
Buffett said: index funds are one of the most profitable tools in the past 30 years.
Moreover, index funds have low costs and good long-term investment returns.
For example, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300/ One-Base 50 blue-chip stocks have been relatively strong recently.
Therefore, the performance of one machine 50 is quite special, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 is also good.
Therefore, investing in index funds avoids the situation of earning only indexes and not making money.
It is suggested to hold a fixed investment for 3-5 years to avoid a cycle (bull-bear alternation period) and find better income.
If the annual income of the fund you invest in is 15%, you will get twice the principal return after 4.8 years.
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