Yesterday, the performance of 00 1236 fund was: unit net value 1. 1550, with an increase or decrease of 0.79%.
Extended data:
Asset allocation strategy:
The product will implement dynamic asset allocation according to the principle of risk-return ratio. Under normal market conditions, the basic scope of this product portfolio investment is: the proportion of stock investment is 80%-95%, in which the assets of listed companies related to the theme of "Belt and Road" account for no less than 80% of non-cash fund assets, and the proportion of fixed-income securities investment is 0%-20%.
The foundation of the fund's large-scale asset allocation lies in the study of macroeconomic boom rotation. The Fund will judge the current position and future development direction of the economic cycle by tracking and considering the usual macroeconomic variables and the national fiscal, taxation, monetary and exchange rate policies.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Bosera Silk Road Theme Stock Securities Investment Fund