Pay attention to the subscription time: the monetary fund adopts the trading mechanism of T+ 1, that is, we subscribe on t day, and there is no income on t day, and the income is calculated after T+ 1 day confirms the share. However, if the purchase is made after T 15:00, it is considered as a purchase made on T+ 1 day, and it will be postponed for another day.
Pay attention to the redemption time: According to the above situation, we can know that if the money fund is redeemed after Thursday 15:00, it will no longer enjoy the distribution income from the next working day (T+ 1). In other words, the fund shares redeemed before Thursday 15:00 will be confirmed as no longer bearing interest on Friday, and there will be no income on Saturday and Sunday. However, the fund shares redeemed on Friday can enjoy the benefits on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Clever use of fund conversion: fund conversion is equivalent to selling a fund and buying b fund at the same time, and the income will be calculated during the fund conversion process. If the fund is converted before 3 pm on the trading day, the income of the converted fund shall be calculated; If the fund is converted after 3 pm on the trading day, the income of the fund before the conversion is calculated.
Special time investment: Money funds have a unique investment skill, that is, at special nodes, such as the end of the season, the end of the month and some small holidays, the general market funds will be tight, so the money market interest rate will rise. At this time, the yield of the money fund will rise accordingly, which is a good time to invest in the money fund.