How much is the handling fee for off-site funds?
OTC fund fees include subscription fees, redemption fees and operating fees. The subscription fee is charged at the time of purchase, generally 1.5%, without discount. The discount situation of each platform is different. Generally, the larger the purchase amount, the cheaper the purchase fee, and the redemption fee is charged when selling. The redemption rate is related to the holding time of the fund. The longer the holding time, the lower the rate, or even the zero rate. The fees charged by different funds are different. You can check the fund's charging standard in the fund trading rules.
The difference between OTC fund handling fee and OTC fund handling fee;
On-site funds only charge trading commissions, and the charging standards of securities companies are different. If the minimum single 5 yuan is insufficient, 5 yuan will be charged according to 5 yuan, in which the management fee, custody fee and sales service fee will be accrued daily and paid monthly, and investors will not be charged separately. Off-exchange fund handling fees include subscription fees, subscription fees, redemption fees and management fees, custody fees and sales service fees. Off-site management fees, custody fees, sales service fees and operating fees are also accrued on a daily basis and paid on a monthly basis, and investors are not charged separately.
Generally speaking, the handling fee of OTC funds is more expensive than OTC funds. Of course, the handling fee does not determine the quality of funds, you can choose according to your own situation.