1, you should have your own judgment when buying funds instead of blindly trusting others.
Buying funds is generally divided into experienced and inexperienced. If you have no experience and don't understand the fund, after buying the fund on WeChat, say yes when it goes up. If you make money, investors will buy it. Then investors should judge whether they are really suitable for this fund and whether they will buy at the highest point.
If you are experienced, such as a bank account manager, you should pay attention. Banks can help account managers make money by selling funds to you, especially newly developed funds. You can't look at past income. Everyone should pay attention to his own judgment.
2. Reduce the cost of purchasing funds.
Generally, funds are purchased through banks, the Internet or direct sales, but the handling fees of different channels are not suitable. For example, funds purchased through bank channels are basically not discounted, while Internet channels, taking WeChat as an example, are basically 10% off, which is different in the choice of channels. In fact, you can save a subscription fee to reduce the cost of purchasing funds.
3. Know your risk preference before making financial investment.
Before trying to participate in fund investment, some people have only saved for a fixed period, but they can't accept a little fluctuation, preferring less income and are not suitable for investing in high-risk funds. For example, index funds, stock funds and hybrid funds are all risky and may lose money.
In fact, there will be a risk rating test before WeChat buys the fund. According to the risk rating test, investors can know the risk range they can bear and consider which fund they are suitable to invest in.