Introduction to Liu Li’s research
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51479046), Host
2.2012.7-2014.6 Based on disaster risk Research on urban drainage system renewal and reconstruction strategies,
Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project (1208085ME75), Hosted
3.2011.1-2014.6 Research on the overall simulation model of water resources allocation in the Nansi Lake Basin ,
Enterprise commissioned project (11-750), chaired
4.2011.1-2012.12 Research on optimal operation of water supply system under dynamic uncertainty environment,
Ph.D. Start-up Fund (2010HGBZ0560), Host
5.2012.1-2014.12 Calculation and Application of Lake Drought Characteristic Water Level Based on Distributed Hydrological Simulation of Watersheds,
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51109052), Participated
6.2009.1-2012.12 Research on technical methods for establishing lake nutrient benchmarks in different regions of my country,
National “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” major science and technology project (2009ZX07106), participating 1. Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. Mahinthakumar and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2012. Identifying Contaminant Sources for Water Distribution Systems Using a Hybrid Method. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 29(2):123-136.
2. Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, G. Mahinthakumar and S. Ranji Ranjithan. 2012. Coupling of Logistic Regression Analysis and Local Search Methods for Characterization of Water Distribution System Contaminant Source. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25(2): 309-316.
3. Li Liu, A. Sankarasubramanian and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2011.Logistic Regression Analysis to Estimate Contaminant Sources in Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Hydroinformatics ,13(3):545- 557.
4. Li Liu, S. Ranji Ranjithan and G. Mahinthakumar. 2011. Contamination Source Identification in Water Distribution Systems Using an Adaptive Dynamic Optimization Procedure. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 137(2 ):183-192. ASCE.
5. ZHOU Ping, ZHOU Yuliang, JIN Juliang, Liu Li, WANG Zongzhi, CHENG Liang, ZHANG Libing.2011. An Improved Markov Chain Model Based on Autocorrelation and Entropy Techniques and Its Application to State Prediction of Water Resources. Chinese Geographical Science, 21(2): 176-184.
6. Li Liu, S. Ranji Ranjithan.2010, An Adaptive Optimization Technique for Dynamic Environments . Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 23(5): 772-779.
7. Li Liu, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2009. A Hybrid Heuristic Search Approach for Contaminant Source Characterization. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 17-21, 2009, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
8. Li Liu, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, and S. Ranji Ranjithan. 2008. Contaminant source characterization using logistic regression and local search methods. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 12-16, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
9. Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, E. Downey Brill, G. Kumar Mahinthakumar, James Uber and S. Ranji Ranjithan.2007. Considering demand variability and measurement uncertainties in adaptive source characterization in water distribution networks. Proceedings of the ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, May 15-18, 2007, Tampa Florida, USA.
10、Li Liu, M. Emily Zechman, E. Downey Brill, G . Kumar Mahinthakumar, S. Ranji Ranjithan, and James Uber. 2006. Adaptive Contamination Source Identification in Water Distribution Systems Using an Evolutionary Algorithm-based Dynamic Optimization Procedure. Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, August 27-30, 2006, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
11. Zhou Yuliang, Liu Li, Jin Juliang, Zhang Libing, Wang Zhesun. 2012. Inference of the reference state of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in Cheng Hai based on SCS and USLE. Geographical Science, 32(6):725-730 .
12. Zhou Yuliang, Jin Juliang, Liu Li, Zhang Libing, Wang Zhesun, Huo Shouliang. 2012. Determining the reference state of total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentration in Qionghai Sea based on model inference method. Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology, 2(3) :200-206.
13. Jin Juliang, Liu Li, Wang Mingwu, Li Ruzhong, Zhou Yuliang. 2011. Comprehensive risk assessment model of groundwater environmental system based on triangular fuzzy number stochastic simulation. Geographical Science, 31(2): 143-147.
14. Zhang Libing, Huo Shouliang, Zhou Yuliang, Tong Zhonghua, Liu Li. 2011. Research on the baseline reference state of lake nutrients based on system dynamics. Journal of Environmental Science, 31(6):1254 -1262.