Replacement is an English word, a noun. When used as a noun, it means "replacement; reset; substitute; supplementary soldiers."
Phrase collocations: replacement assets replacement assets replacement ratio replacement rate; replacement rate replacement rate [Legacy] replacement rate; replacement rate page replacement page replacement; page replacement; page replacement; page replacement equipment replacement [technology] equipment update; replacement of mechanical equipment
; prototype update; equipment replacement replacement transfusion replacement transfusion method; [clinical] exchange transfusion method Replacement fund [finance] replacement fund; update fund double replacement exchange; metathesis reaction; double replacement method; mutual replacement prothesis replacement artificial joint replacement? Bilingual
Example: Do I have to pay for replacement parts? Do I have to pay for replacement parts?.
The new packaging is all about replacement. This new packaging is all about replacement.
I have requested replacement of the check and that it be mailed to me at the above address. I have requested that the same check be issued as a replacement and a new check will be mailed to me at the above address.