Personal entrustment agreement template Personal entrustment agreement template.
Within the legitimate rights and interests stated in the principal's power of attorney, all duties and responsibilities performed by the principal will be borne by the principal.
The following is a sample personal entrustment agreement template that I carefully prepared for everyone, for your reference only.
Personal Entrustment Agreement Template 1 Client: _____________ Signing place: _________ Trustee: _________ Signing time: __year__month__day Article 1 The client entrusts the trustee to handle ______________ affairs.
Article 2 The authority and specific requirements of the trustee to handle entrusted matters: ____________________________ Article 3 The entrustment period shall be from ____ month ____, ____ year to ____ month ____ day, ____ year.
Article 4 The principal (yes/no) allows the trustee to entrust the entrusted affairs to a third party.
Article 5 The trustee has the obligation to report the handling of entrusted affairs to the entrusting party.
Article 6 The time, place and method for the trustee to transfer the property acquired for handling the entrusted affairs to the client: _______________________ Article 7 The time and method for the client to pay the trustee for handling the entrusted affairs: _________ Article 8 Remuneration
And payment method: _______________________ Article 9 Conditions for rescission of this contract: _______________________ Article 10 Liability for breach of contract: _______________________________________ Article 11 Resolution of contract disputes: If any dispute occurs during the performance of this contract, it shall be resolved through negotiation between the two parties; if the negotiation fails,
, shall be resolved in the following ___ way: (1) Submit to ________ Arbitration Commission for arbitration; (2) File a lawsuit in the People's Court in accordance with the law.
Article 12 Other agreed matters: _______________________________________ Article 13 If this contract does not provide for it, it shall be governed by the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.
Trustee (Seal): Residence: Legal Representative (Signature): Telephone: Bank of Account: Postal Code: Supervisory Department: Trustee (Seal): Residence: Legal Representative (Signature): Telephone: Bank of Account: Postal Code: Print
Making unit: Client: _______ Personal Entrustment Agreement Template 2 on ____month______year____ Client: Gender: ID number: When entrusting others to exercise their legitimate rights and interests on their behalf, the client needs to
Issue the client's legal documents.
The client shall not regret the entrustment for any reason.
If the entrusted party makes any rights and interests that violate national laws, the principal has the right to terminate the entrustment agreement. Within the legal rights and interests stated in the principal's power of attorney, all duties and responsibilities performed by the entrusted party will be borne by the principal.
person does not bear any legal responsibility.
Trustee: Gender: ID number: There is an organization/individual who is willing to transfer XX business transactions to XXX's bank account (XXX branch). All disputes arising therefrom will be fully borne by me.
Client: Year, Month, Day Personal Agency Agreement Template 3 Client: ________, gender: ____, born on ____ month ____, _____ year, ID number: _______________.
Trustee: ________, gender: ____, born on ____ month ____ in _____ year, ID number: _______________.
Reasons for entrustment, matters, and authority: The client _______ is the owner of the house located in ______________ (house ownership certificate number: _______, building area _______ square meters).
I now agree to sell the above property.