Since returning to China in 2003, the main scientific research projects that have been completed and under way include 3 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and the "985" project of peking university health science center. Seven doctors and three masters have been trained in Japan and after returning home, and nine doctors and masters are receiving guidance.
Social part-time jobs include honorary professor of Inner Mongolia Medical College, member of Health Management Branch of Chinese Medical Association, member of Health Risk Assessment and Control Committee of Chinese Preventive Medical Association, executive director of Beijing Nutrition Society, researcher of Yamanashi University Medical College, visiting professor of Suzhou University Medical College, visiting professor of Southern Medical University (formerly First Military Medical University), editorial board of Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, China Health Education and Chinese Journal of Health Management, etc.
Main research projects:
1) Cooperative research project with China Institute of Health Education: development of comprehensive risk assessment model for chronic diseases, 2008-2009.
2) General Projects of National Natural Science Foundation:
Study on estrogen-like effect of high dose soybean isoflavone and its mechanism on breast cancer, 2007-2009, project approval number 3067 1759.
3) General Project of National Natural Science Foundation: Effects of endocrine disruptors in milk on reproductive system, 2005-2007; Project approval number 3047 1448