Conditions for subscription of Kechuang 50etf Fund
Strictly speaking, there is no requirement to purchase Kechuang 50etf funds, and investors can purchase them directly through fund companies or consignment agencies. On the other hand, for the publicly traded Kechuang 50etf fund, if investors want to buy it, they must open an A-share account or a securities investment fund account of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in advance, usually one day in advance. In addition, although Kechuang 50etf Fund provides a channel for small capital to participate in science and technology innovation board, it still has certain capital requirements. Its subscription starting point is 1 10,000 yuan, and the funds need to be prepared in advance.
The above is the introduction of some conditions that need to be met in purchasing Kechuang 50etf fund, hoping to be helpful. The subscription time of Kechuang 50etf Fund launched on September 22nd is only one day on September 22nd. After the subscription, the fund will enter a closed period, during which the fund cannot be redeemed.