1. Equity fund
Stock fund is the most common and popular fund type for investors to invest. It takes stocks as the investment target and mainly invests in the stock market. Its risks and benefits are relatively high, mainly for medium and long-term investors.
2. Hybrid funds
Hybrid fund is a fund with various investment styles, which can invest in both stock market and bond market. Hybrid funds have greater investment flexibility, can meet different investment needs of investors, and at the same time, the risk is relatively low.
3. Bond funds
Bond funds mainly invest in bond markets such as treasury bonds and corporate bonds, with lower risks and relatively low returns, which are suitable for medium and long-term investors.
4. Index funds
Index fund is a new type of fund invested by investors. It takes the stock index as the investment target, and investors can track the overall performance of the stock market by investing in index funds, with relatively low risk.
5.QDII fund
QDII fund is a fund that invests in overseas assets. Investors can gain income from overseas assets by investing in QDII funds, but at the same time they will also bear greater exchange rate risks.
6. Money market funds
Money market fund is a kind of short-term investment fund, which mainly invests in the money market. The risk is lower than that of stock funds, and the income is relatively stable, mainly for short-term investors.
7. Capital preservation fund
Capital preservation fund is a relatively safe fund, its investment objective is to guarantee the principal, the risk is lower than other funds, and the income is relatively stable, mainly for medium and long-term investors.
8. Closed-end funds
Closed-end fund is a special kind of fund, its investment period is generally long, and investors can't redeem it during the investment period, but its risk and return are relatively high, mainly for medium and long-term investors.
Funds can be divided into eight categories. Investors can choose suitable funds according to their investment objectives and risk tolerance, so as to obtain higher return on investment.
This paper introduces eight kinds of funds in detail, such as stock funds, hybrid funds, bond funds, index funds, QDII funds, money market funds, principal guaranteed fund and closed-end funds. Each fund has different characteristics, and investors can choose the right fund according to their risk tolerance and investment objectives.