Monetary funds generally invest in safer varieties. If a long-term variety is configured and a huge redemption is encountered, the fund manager will cash in the floating loss in advance.
2. Withdraw penalty interest in advance
At present, when monetary funds and commercial banks make agreement deposits, they are generally required to sign agreement deposits with different rates. That is to say, the agreed deposit withdrawal at maturity and early withdrawal will get different interest rates, that is, early withdrawal will be penalized.
For example, it was originally agreed to deposit for three months with an interest rate of 3%. If the Monetary Fund requires an early withdrawal, the bank will pay the interest on the demand deposit at 0.35%. However, the expected income of 3% has been evenly distributed to the daily income of the money fund. If calculated according to 0.35%, the latest income of 10 thousand needs to make up the difference, and negative income may appear.
3. Accrue sales service fee, management fee and custody fee.
According to the provisions of the fund contract, the management fee, custody fee and sales service fee of the fund are accrued according to the net asset value of the fund on the previous day. The management fee, custody fee and sales service fee of the Monetary Fund add up to about 0.63% (also 0.68%) a year. If a fund has a small share, even if there is a relatively normal redemption, it may suffer losses due to various expenses.