Basic medical insurance is a part of China's basic social security, and there are two kinds of basic medical insurance, namely, basic medical insurance for employees and basic medical insurance for urban residents. It is worth mentioning that only employee medical insurance has both medical insurance pooling fund and personal account, and the expenses paid by urban residents' medical insurance directly enter the medical insurance pooling fund account. So what's the difference between the medical insurance pooling fund account and the personal account? Let's get to know each other.
The difference between medical insurance pooling fund and individual account
1 Different sources of account funds: the funds of the medical insurance pooling fund account come from the medical insurance expenses paid by enterprises and the medical insurance expenses of urban residents; The funds of personal account of medical insurance come from the individual contributions of employees in medical insurance.
2 Different functions: the medical insurance pooling fund is used for reimbursement of medical treatment in designated medical insurance hospitals, and can only be used for reimbursement of hospitalization, but not for reimbursement of drug purchases in pharmacies; The funds in the personal account can be mainly used to buy medicines at designated medical insurance pharmacies, and the medical expenses that need to be paid by individuals outside the medical insurance pooling fund can be paid by the user's personal medical insurance account.
3 Different reimbursement rates: the reimbursement of the medical insurance pooling fund is proportional, and it will be different according to the level of medical hospitals, and the reimbursement rates of urban residents' medical insurance and employees' medical insurance are also different. Medical insurance for urban residents has a deductible line; The funds in the personal account of medical insurance can be used at will as long as they are purchased at the medical insurance pharmacy and treated at the outpatient clinic, and there is no restriction on the use threshold.