Old-age insurance: units and individuals pay 2% and 8% of personal wages respectively;
medical insurance: units and individuals pay about 1% and 2% respectively;
unemployment insurance: units and individuals pay about 2% and 1% respectively;
maternity insurance: the unit pays about .8%, and the individual does not pay;
industrial injury insurance: the unit pays about 2%, and the individual does not pay.
Social security payment refers to the act of participating in various social security insurances and paying premiums. In general, it refers to the payment of social pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance. Social security payment is divided into two parts: the unit payment part and the individual payment part.
The social security payment base generally refers to the salary of the current month. The social security payment base is 6%-3% of the average social wage. For example, the average social wage is 1 yuan, and the payment base can be 6 yuan-3, yuan.
source: Baidu encyclopedia: social security payment.