1 It represents the first prosperity of American social science. As far as the important theories in Europe are concerned, especially the theory of German sociologist Simell, it plays the role of landing point.
It makes the study of social problems in American social sciences have a strong empirical direction.
Scholars of Chicago School constitute a theoretical concept system of personality socialization centered on interpersonal communication. They attacked the intuitive explanation of human behavior and turned to emphasize a view, which was later called symbolic interaction theory.
Chicago School has built a research model of mass communication that pays attention to media effects.
Contribution to communication science: it has made American social science research have a strong empirical direction; Symbolic interaction theory; Payne fund research. Representative figures: G Simell (German), john dewey, C·H· Cooley, W Feng Te, G·H· Meade, R·E· Parker, etc.