What are fund FOF and MOM? gjdioe563401 LV122017-04-07 Satisfactory answer H3 type hyperthyroidism female 28 years old LV92017-04-08FoF fund (Fund of Fund) (Fund of Fund) is a fund that specializes in investing in other investment funds.
FoF does not directly invest in stocks or bonds. Its investment scope is limited to other funds. It indirectly holds securities assets such as stocks and bonds by holding other securities investment funds. It is a new fund type that combines fund product innovation and sales channel innovation.
TOT (Trust of Trusts) refers to the trust product that invests in the Sunshine Private Equity Investment Trust Plan. This product can help investors choose suitable Sunshine Private Equity funds, construct investment portfolios, and make timely adjustments in order to obtain successful results.
Long-term excess returns.
MOM (Manager of Managers Fund) MOM investment model is the Manager of Managers model. MOM fund managers select and implement their own investment concepts and investment styles through long-term tracking and research on the investment process of fund managers.
An investment model in which fund managers who have achieved stable and excess returns are responsible for investment management in the form of investment sub-account entrustment.