Hello, if you are a credit card of China Merchants Bank, you can't buy funds directly. You can borrow money from a credit card in advance and then transfer the money to a card in your name. The fee, interest and limit are the same as those of domestic RMB cash advance business, that is, within the cash advance limit, the daily cash advance of each card does not exceed 2,000 yuan, and the handling fee is 1% of the transaction amount, with the minimum charge per transaction 10 yuan. If you don't enjoy the interest-free repayment treatment, interest will be charged at the daily rate of 0.5 ‰ from the trading day to the settlement day, and compound interest on a monthly basis. (Supported currency: RMB)
The handling fee and interest are higher, which may not be lower than the fund income.
"If you have any other questions, I suggest you add" QQ "or" WeChat "for online consultation.
Method 1: Search for "4008205555" among QQ corporate friends and add "China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center" as a friend;
Method 2: Search "cmb4008205555" on WeChat, and pay attention to China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center.
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