Current location - Trademark Inquiry Complete Network - Tian Tian Fund - Find the per capita GDP of each country+region in 2008 (as official as possible).
Find the per capita GDP of each country+region in 2008 (as official as possible).
The GDP data of international exchange rate comes from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the world survey. International Monetary Fund (2007) List World Bank (2006) List World Profile (2007) List

Rank? Gross domestic product of countries and regions (millions of US dollars)

-World 543 1 1.608

-EU 16830 100


2 Japan 4383762

3 Germany

4 People's Republic of China (PRC)

5 pounds 2772570 pounds

6 France 2560255

7 Italy 2 104666

8 Spain

9 Canada 1.432 140

10 Brazil

1 1 Russia

12 India

13 Korea

14 Australia

Mexico 893,365

Netherlands 768,704


18 Sweden

Belgium 453,636

20 Indonesia

2 1 Switzerland

22 Poland

23 Norway 39 1.498

Republic of China

25 Saudi Arabia

26 Austria

27 Greece

28 Denmark

29 Iran

30 South Africa

Argentina 259,999

32 Ireland

33 Thailand

34 Finland 2450 13

35 Venezuela

36 Portugal

-China and Hongkong 206,707

37 UAE 192603

Malaysia 186482

39 Czech Republic 175309

Colombia 17 1.607

Nigeria 166778

42 Romania 165983

43 Chile 163792

Israel 16 1, 935

45 Singapore 16 1, 349

Philippines 144, 129

Pakistan 143766

48 Ukraine 140484

Hungary 138388

Algeria 13 1.568

New Zealand 128, 14 1

Egypt 127930

53 Kuwait

54 Peru 109069

Kazakhstan 103840

56 Slovakia

57 Morocco

58 Bangladesh

59 Vietnam

60 Qatar

6 1 Angola

62 Libya

63 Croatia 5 1.356

Luxembourg 50, 160

65 Sudan

Slovenia 46 084

67 Belarus

68 Ecuador

Serbia 4 1.679

70 Oman

Bulgaria 39,609


73 Syria 37,760

74 Dominican Republic

75 Tunisia

76 Guatemala

77 Azerbaijan

78 Sri Lanka

79 Kenya

Latvia 27,341

8 1 Turkmenistan

82 Costa Rica 26 238

83 Lebanon

Uruguay 2295 1

85 Uzbekistan

Yemen 2 1.664

87 Cyprus 2 1.303

Estonia 2 1.278

Trinidad and Tobago 20,700

90 Cameroon

El Salvador 20,373

92 Iceland

Panama 19740

94 Bahrain 19660

95 C? te d 'Ivoire 19598

96 Ethiopia 19 43 1

97 Tanzania 16 184

98 Jordan16,011

99 Ghana 14863

100 Bosnia and Herzegovina

10 1 Myanmar 13529

102 Bolivia

Brunei 12386

104 Botswana

105 Honduras

106 Gabon

107 Uganda

108 Jamaica

109 Zambia

1 10 Senegal

1 1 1 Paraguay

1 12 Albania

Equatorial Guinea 10485

Georgia 10293

1 15 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nepal 9,627

Afghanistan 8,842

Cambodia 8,604


Congo 7,657

Mozambique 7,559

Macedonia 7,497

123 Malta

Namibia 7400

Madagascar 7,322

Chad 7 095

Burkina Faso 6,977

Mauritius 6,959

Mali 6745

Bahamas 6586

Papua New Guinea 6,001


Haiti 5435

Benin 5433

135 Guinea

Moldova 4,227

137 Niger

Laos 4028

Mongolia 3,905

Kyrgyzstan 3,748

Barbados 3,739


Malawi 3 538

Fiji 3,409

Rwanda 3320

Swaziland 2,936


Togo 2497

Suriname 2404

Central Africa 1, 7 14

15 1 Sierra Leone

152 Lesotho

153 Cape Verde

154 Eritrea

Bhutan 1.308

156 Belize

Antigua and Barbuda 157+0.089

158 Maldives

159 Guyana

Burundi 1, 00 1

Saint Lucia 958

Djibouti 84 1

163 Liberia 730

164 Seychelles 7 10

Gambia 653

166 Zimbabwe

167 Grenada 590

168 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 559

169 Saint Kitts and Nevis

170 east timor 459

17 1 Vanuatu

Comoros 442

173 Samoa

Solomon Islands 358

Guinea Bissau 343

Dominic 3 1 1

Tonga 2 19

178 Sao Tome and Principe

Kiribati 67

Rank of GDP of countries and regions (millions of US dollars)

-World 48244879

-EU 14609836

1 USA13,201,8 19

2 Japan 4340 133

3 Germany 290668 1

4 People's Republic of China (PRC) 266807 1

5 UK 23450 15

6 France 223072 1a

7 Italy 1 844 749

Canada 1.25 1.463

9 Spain 1 223 988

10 Brazil

Russia 986,940

India 906,268

13 Korea 888024

Mexico 839, 182

15 Australia

Netherlands 657,590

17 Turkey

18 Belgium 39200 1

Sweden 384,927

20 Switzerland

2 1 Indonesia 364459

22 Poland

23 Austria

Norway 3 10960

25 Saudi Arabia

26 Denmark

27 South Africa

28 Greece

29 Iran

30 Ireland 222650

3 1 Argentina

32 Finland

33 Thailand

34 Portugal 192572

-China and Hongkong 189798

Venezuela 18 1862

Malaysia 148940

37 Chile 145 93 1

38 Czech Republic 14 1, 80 1

39 Colombia 135836

40 Singapore 132 158

4 1 UAE

Pakistan 128830

Israel 123434

Romania 12 1.609

Philippines 1 16 93 1

Algeria 1 14727

47 Nigeria 1 14686

Hungary 1 12899

Egypt 107484

50 Ukraine 106,11/

New Zealand 103873

52 Peru

53 Kuwait

54 Kazakhstan

55 Bangladesh

56 Vietnam

Morocco 57,307

Slovakia 55 049

59 Libya

60 Angola

Croatia 42,653

62 Qatar

Luxembourg 4 1.382


65 Sudan

Slovenia 37,303

67 Belarus 36 945

68 Guatemala

69 Syria

Serbia 3 1.808 b

7 1 Bulgaria

72 Dominican Republic

73 Tunisia


75 Sri Lanka

76 Oman

77 Lebanon

78 Costa Rica 22 145

79 Kenya 2 1 186

80 Azerbaijan

8 1 Latvia

Trinidad and Tobago19,911

Uruguay 19308

Yemen 19057

Cameroon 18323

El Salvador 18306

C? te d 'Ivoire 17484

88 Uzbekistan 17 178

Panama 17097

90 Estonia 16 4 10

9 1 Iceland 15854

92 Cyprus 15 4 18

-China and Macau 14285

93 Jordan 14, 176

94 Ethiopia 13 3 15

95 Bahrain12,914

96 Ghana 12906

Tanzania 12784 c

Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1.296

99 Bolivia 1 1 163

100 Zambia

10 1 Jamaica

102 Turkmenistan

103 Botswana


Uganda 9,322

Honduras 9,235

107 Albania

108 Paraguay

Senegal 8,936

Equatorial Guinea

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Afghanistan 8,399

Nepal 8,052

Mozambique 7,608

Georgia 7,550

Congo 7,385

Cambodia 7, 193

Chad 6 54 1

Mauritius 6,448

Armenia 6,406

Brunei 6400 yuan

Namibia 6,372

123 Macedonia

Burkina Faso 6,205

Mali 5929

Papua New Guinea

Malta 5570

Madagascar 5499


130 Zimbabwe

Haiti 4,961

Benin 4,775

-4,059 in the West Bank and Gaza.

Niger 3,544

Laos 3,404

135 Guinea

Moldova 266d

137 Barbados

Fiji 2,822

Tajikistan 2,811

Kyrgyzstan 2,695

Mongolia 2,689


Swaziland 2,648

Rwanda 2,494

Montenegro 2,347

Malawi 2,232

Togo 2206

Suriname 1.597

149 Central Africa

Lesotho 1.476

Sierra Leone 1

152 Belize

153 Cape Verde

154 Eritrea

Antigua and Barbuda 962

156 Bhutan 927

Maldives 9 15

158 Saint Lucia 906

Guyana 896

Burundi 807

16 1 Djibouti

162 Seychelles 750

163 Liberia

164 Grenada 5 19

165 Gambia

166 Saint Kitts and Nevis 487

167 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 466

Samoa 422

Comoros 403

Vanuatu 388

17 1 Timor-Leste

Solomon Islands 335

Guinea Bissau 304

Dominic 300

Micronesia 245

Tonga 223

177 Palau

Marshall Islands 155

Sao Tome and Principe 179+023

Kiribati 7 1

Rank of GDP of countries and regions (millions of US dollars)

-53.64 million in the world

-EU16.37 million Euros


2 Japan 4.346 million

3 Germany 3.259 million

4 People's Republic of China (PRC) 3.249 million

5 pounds 2.756 million pounds

6 France 25 1.5 million

7 Italy 2.068 million

8 Spain 1.4 1.5 million

9 Canada 1.406 million

10 Russia

Brazil 1 269 000

12 India

13 Korea 98 1, 900

14 Australia

Mexico 886,400

Netherlands 754,900

Turkey 482,000

Belgium 442,800

Sweden 43 1, 600

Switzerland 4 13900

Poland 4 13300

Indonesia 4 10/0,300

23 Republic of China 375,600

24 Saudi Arabia

25 Norway

26 Austria

27 Greece

Denmark 3 10700

29 Iran

30 South Africa

3 1 Ireland

32 Argentina

33 Finland

34 Venezuela

35 Thailand

Portugal 2 19500

-China and Hongkong 203,000.

37 UAE 189600

Colombia 17 1.700

39 Czech Republic 168 100

Malaysia 165000

4 1 Chile 160800

Romania 158500

43 Singapore 153500

Philippines 144, 100

Hungary 136400

46 Israel 132500

Ukraine 13 1 200

Egypt 127900

Nigeria 126700

Algeria 125900

5 1 New Zealand 124400

Pakistan 106300

Kuwait 103400

54 Kazakhstan 102500

55 Peru 10 1.500

56 Morocco

Slovakia 7 1.570

58 Bangladesh

59 Vietnam 66400 people

60 Libya

6 1 Qatar

Angola 6 1.040

63 Iraq


65 Sudan

66 Luxembourg

67 Cuba 45 100

Slovenia 44 570

69 Ecuador

Serbia 4 1.440

Oman 40,520

72 Bulgaria

73 Belarus

Liechtenstein 36 330

75 Dominican Republic

76 Tunisia

Guatemala 3 1.350

Azerbaijan 3 1.070

79 Kenya


8 1 Latvia


83 Sri Lanka

84 Syria

85 Lebanon

86 Costa Rica

Yemen 22,740

88 Estonia 2 1, 200

89 Uruguay

90 Cameroon

El Salvador 20,230

92 Uzbekistan

C? te d 'Ivoire 19540

94 Iceland 19520

95 Panama 19280

Cyprus 17420

97 Ethiopia 16900

98 Bahrain 16890

99 Zimbabwe 16 170

100 Jordan

10 1 Ghana

-China and Macau 14300

102 Bosnia and Herzegovina

103 Trinidad and Tobago

104 Tanzania

105 Myanmar

106 Bolivia

Brunei 12520

108 Botswana

109 Albania

1 10 Uganda

1 1 1 Senegal

1 12 Zambia

Gabon 10340

1 14 Honduras

Afghanistan 9,933

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nepal 9,627

Georgia 9,553

Equatorial Guinea

Paraguay 9,340

Armenia 9,270

Jamaica 8,905

Cambodia 8300

124 Mozambique

Chad 7,400

Madagascar 7,306

Mauritius 7,030

Mali 6936

Burkina Faso 6,858

Macedonia 6850

Congo 6848

Namibia 6,707


Malta 6,450

135 Papua new guinea


Benin 5425

-5,328 people in the West Bank and Gaza.

Haiti 5295

-Jersey 5 100

Fiji 4,969

Guinea 4568

Niger 4,219

142 Moldova

Laos 4008

Mongolia 3,854

-3,800 people in French Polynesia

Barbados 3,739

Tajikistan 3700

Kyrgyzstan 3,488

148 Malawi

-3,300 in New Caledonia

-3,237 people in Kosovo

Rwanda 2,836

-2,773 people in Guam

Mauritania 2,747

2742 people in Guernsey

-isle of man 27 19

Swaziland 2,674

Somalia 2 483

Togo 2,393

Heishan 2270

-2258 people in Aruba.

Suriname 2234

North Korea 2,220

-Greenland 1.700

—Faroe Islands 1, 700

157 Central Africa

Lesotho 1.588

159 Sierra Leone

160 Eritrea

Cape Verde 1.367

162 Belize

Bhutan 1, 164

Antigua and Barbuda 164+0.079

-Gibraltar 1.066

165 San Marino

166 Maldives

167 Burundi 989

Guyana 978

Saint Lucia 958

-British Virgin Islands 840

Djibouti 834

17 1 Seychelles 733

172 Liberia

-Northern Mariana Islands 633

Grenada 553

174 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 528

175 Saint Kitts and Nevis

East Timor 472

Comoros 436

178 Vanuatu

Samoa 387

Gambia 379

Solomon Islands 358

Guinea Bissau 343

-American Samoa

Dominica 268

184 Micronesia 232

Tonga 2 19

-Cook Islands 183

Palau 145

Marshall Islands 144

188 Sao Tome and Principe

Anguilla 109

189 Kiribati 73

190 Tuvalu

—Niue 10