1. The applicant must legally reside in Cyprus.
2. The applicant must have lived in Cyprus for 365 days in the year before filing the application, and have lived in Cyprus continuously for 7 years;
3. If the parents or children of Cypriots apply for naturalization, they must live in Cyprus for 365 days in the year before the application and have lived in Cyprus for five consecutive years;
4. If the spouse of a Cypriot citizen applies for naturalization, the marriage has existed for at least 3 years and the spouse has lived in Cyprus for 2 years;
5. Applicants for naturalization need to attend 1-2 Greek interview;
6. Published a statement in a local newspaper in Cyprus for two consecutive days that he would like to become a Cypriot citizen.
The conditions for permanent residence in Cyprus need to meet certain residence requirements. However, you can also choose to immigrate with a Cyprus passport, buy a house in Cyprus for 2.5 million euros, get a Cyprus passport in one step, and become a real EU citizen without immigration supervision and residence requirements.