A full refund is out of the question. Dividend insurance: Dividend insurance is not better than bank interest, but it turns "living money" into "dead money". Most of the insured will feel cheated and surrender within two years. During the contract period, the insurance company will deduct a considerable amount if the customer wants to cancel the contract. The bank only calculates the current fixed interest. So this insurance is the most profitable insurance for insurance companies. Unless you need this insurance because you have too much money to spend or money laundering, most people don't need this insurance. Its best function should probably be money laundering. Naturally, it has become the favorite of corrupt officials, washing those "black money" of unknown origin into "legal" income in the name of their children. Insurance companies also provide them with the best places. Remember! The so-called "insurance" is used to resist risks, not to manage money, and it is more difficult to make money with insurance. If you want to manage money to make money or resist currency depreciation, you can do funds and government bonds. So dividend insurance is to cheat customers' money in the name of insurance.