No, stock technical indicators have no guiding significance for the fund. Trading funds can look at the following indicators:
1. Historical performance of the fund: the historical performance of the fund refers to the performance of the fund since its establishment, and the higher the historical performance, the better.
2. Maximum retracement: retracement refers to the range of the fund's net value from the highest to the lowest within a period of time, and the lower the maximum retracement, the better.
3. Fund valuation: The purpose of fund valuation is to analyze whether the fund has investment value. The lower the fund valuation, the higher the investment value of the fund.
4. fund managers: choose fund managers with industry research experience and long working time. fund managers are the most important factor for fund returns. if fund managers have a good investment level, the higher the expected returns, or they can directly choose star fund managers.
5. If investors buy index funds, they can look at the tracking error index. Generally, the smaller the tracking error index, the better. The smaller the tracking error, the closer the fund is to the index.