1 weapon ['wep? Weapons, weapons movies.
2 rate [REIT] n. Rate, grade and price V. Appraisal, and the verification grade is considered as 152 rat [r? Rat v. betrayal
Hell, hell, hell, suffering, underground world views, opinions, opinions
Aids, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. ub? Los Angeles global
Spider silk; Fabric 155 candy ['k? candy
Fluid ['fluid] n.liquid; liquid child; child; child; child; child; child; child; child; child; child; child.
7 skiing [skiing:? I:] A. Skitsky v. Skitsky157 ash [] n.
8 grains [gray] n. Grains, stripes, fine grains, textures 158 doll [d? Doll; make oneself up as ...
9 reward [ri'w? Reward, reward cigar
10 seaport ['h incarnation: b? ] harbor v. shelter,hide,hide 160 hammer ['h? m? Hammer ['hammer] n.hammer.
Slip, mistake, decline.
Oil tank, stored in oil tank, exit, exit, exit, leave
Representative, representative, representative.
Maid; Maid; Maid; Maid sofa? Ufida? [Business English sofa]
Naked ['nak] n.clear; sharp; sharp; intense.
16 rare [r] a. rare, rare and precious 166 tax [t? Taxation; Impose a heavy burden on. ...
17 the fourth [f? : θ] A. Forward advertising. Forward, outward 167 rope [r? Up] n. rope, rope v. bundle, tie; line
Haste ['haste] n.hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry? ] Man, biology
19 essay [ESEI, ESI] n. Try169 bare [b] naked; Naked; empty
Fate, fate, fate 170 Bay, Bay.
2 1 shave [? Eiv] scratch, scratch, scratch, thrilling 17 1 aware [? we? realize
22 pond [p? Pond 172 pants ['tra? z? Z] pants; pants
23 balance ['b? l? Balance, balance, balance
24 topic [,t? Pik] topic, topic, theme 174 eve [I: v] n.
25 Rage [Reed? Details ['details] n.get angry, get angry, get angry.
Faint ['flimsy] a. faint, faint phone? make a telephone call
Phrases and idioms; Idioms. Expression, narrative 177 thorough ['θ? r? A. Thorough, complete and meticulous
Male, male, male animal debt
Eyebrows, forehead campus? mp? S] campus
Blame ['blame] a. characteristic.
Given, given, given.
Chapter 32 ['tpt? ] materials wool, woolen goods, wool
33 rude [ru: d] A. Rude, rude 183 jeans [d? I: NZ] jeans
34 style [stair] v. Title, design N. Style, fashion, font184 channel [TNL] Strait; Waterway; channel
35 rob [ r? B] sue for robbery; Robbery and theft; Illegally deprive, deprive or rob an inn, inn
Cash ['cash] n.suck, suck, suck. It sucks.
37 attitude? n? Appearance, courtesy, style and manner 187 zone [z? United Nations region
38 identical [? Similar, same advertisement. The same 188 missile ['mishail, -s? missile
Crime; Crime; Adventure; take a risk ...
40 sadness? r? U] sad, sad, unfortunate v. sad, lament 190 sweat [sweat] v.
4 1 sacred ['h? Sacred, sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred; Sacred ['kknt] n.thunder, collapse, collapse, bankruptcy, collapse
Wolf [wulf] n. Wolf, a cruel and greedy person 192 drift [drift] n. Drift, drift, wait and see, trend V.
43 rub [ r? Friction, friction, friction, friction hay, hay.
Planet 44 ['pl? Nit] n planet; Destiny star 194 towel tau? Wipe the towel, wipe the cloth Wipe or dry with a towel.
Yao 195 document ['d? Hmm? Record and prove with documents, etc.
46 place, place, place mud, mud, mud, mud.
47 source [s? : s] n. source; Original data 197 fame [feim] n.
Drunk 198 fare [f] n.
49 lamb [l? M] n. Lamb, lamb, lamb meat 199 blooms [blu: m] n. Flowers are flourishing.
Dash, splash, dash hook
5 1 safety [si'kju? Safe, reliable, reliable ... 20 1 lawn [l? lawn
52-word puzzle? Confusion; Confused ... 202 rod [r? Rod, rod, rod.
53 tones [t? Tone, tone, quality v. Harmony, speaking in a special tone, using Mr. 203 ['Mr.? sir
54 spot [sp? Spot ['spot] n.ride a bike.
55 grammar ['gr? m? Grammar 205 fax [f? Ks] fax v
Something that helps, rubbish, rubbish.
Bible ['bible] a. worm? : m] worm
Troop ['kju: t] a. most people; most people; most people; parliament; parliament.
59 Bello ['Bell? Roar 209 ['fest? v? Festivals, celebrations and sacrifices, feasts
60 ants [? Ant 2 10 mat [m? Rough ['rough] a. 1.rough; rough; rough; rough; rough; rough; rough; rough.
6 1 lung[l]n . lung; Lung 2 1 1 lap [l? Front of thigh (when sitting)
62 diet ['wear? T] n. daily diet v. diet according to regulations 2 12 donkey [dki] n. donkey; Idiot; stubborn
63 Frank [FRK] A. Frank and straightforward 2 13 Focus ['f? England? Focus, focus
Prince, prince, prince? Il] cold; Chill; ambitious
65 device [di 'vais] n. device, design, strategy, equipment 2 15 ideal [ai'di? Los Angeles ideal
Noodles, noodles advantages, advantages, advantages. Advantages; value
67 mill [mil] n. Mill, mill, factory v. Fine grinding, turn around and call 217 diver [di 'v? divorce ...
Crime ['crime] n.crime; Crime; Sin 2 18 mode [m? Mode, style, fashion, popularity
69 salary [Wei De? Devil ['devil] n.
70 things [st? 220 piles of materials, raw materials and things.
7 1 umbrella [? Buhrer. ] umbrella; Umbrella 22 1 compass ['k? mp? compass
Blank ['blank] n.disappear, making the vague obvious? Pi: l] entreat; Petition; attract
Female; female animal; female 223 slides; slides; falls.
74 Stir [Saint? Incite, stir up; Arouse; Arouse l? Ni] colony (organism)
Grow, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install, install.
76 pets [sp? Destroy, spoil, spoil trophies, prizes 226 documents, documents, documents, documents, documents, documents
77 current? r? Flow (water, gas, electricity), trend A. Current, present, recent 227 Modern? Dist] a. Modesty; Moderate; mild
78 foreign countries [? br? : d] A. Abroad, overseas (usually predicative) ad. Foreign, foreign 228 meat [fle? Meat, muscle
79 trap [tr? Set the trap, set the trap 229 gap [g? Difference (in point of view, personality, etc), gap, loophole, gap
Loose, unstable and imprecise; Not strict; imprecise
8 1 rabbit ['r? Rabbit 231dip [dip] v.drop; spoon
In 82 ad. Below the preparatory course. Below ... 232 Stretch [Stretch? Reach out, reach out, reach out.
Screening, screening, screening, screening case selection, masking, masking 233 samples? sample
84 range【reind? ] range,line,range; Mountain range V, classified as, extends 234 and threatens vi. Pose a threat.
85 string【stri? Chord, chord, beam, beam.
Title ['title] n.give the title 236 dam? M] n. dam; obstacle
Princess ['princess] n.spy, detective, detective v. detective, find out the answer.
Issue ['knt] n.publication, periodical number, issue, outflow, lead to ... result 238 coach [k? ut? Coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach.
Rent ['rent] n.rent. Rent; Rent, rent 239 camel [k? m? camel
90 bombs [b? Bomb v. Bomb 240 shells [? Shells, shells, shapes; Shells, shedding
9 1 bar [bɑ:] n. Bar, crossbar, bar 5. Prohibit or hinder 241my [miθ] n. Myth; Fictitious things; A fictional person
92 gas [g? S] n. gas, gas, gasoline v. poison (death), come on 242 Christ [kraist] n. Christ; saver
93 stock [st? Stock. Stock. vai? Violin
Package ['package] n.package; package. Pack 244 swift[ Swift] A. Quick, quick; rapidly
95 glow [gl? Red heat, brilliance, enthusiasm v. Red light, red light emits 245 sparks v. Sparks, flashes, flashes, make it full of vitality.
96 Lord [l? God, Lord, ruler, Your Excellency 246 Temple, Temple, Temple.
97 odd number [? D] a. odd number, odd number, surplus. Odd-numbered 247 breathing; odd-numbered 247 breathing; odd-numbered 247 breathing
Fairy ['fairy] n.98. A. Fairy, Elf 248 Fund [f? Nd] n. funded by the fund v; Provide funds for ...
99 damn it [d? A little; 249 thumb [θ? Sign for a ride with your thumb, and then read quickly.
Prove, prove, prove ... proofread, proofread.
10 1 wallet ['w? Lit] wallet, wallet 25 1 audio ['? :di? U] audio-visual
102 coffee shop ['b? Cafe, diners 252 Datong [t? pursue
103 beard [bi? Beard 253 series ['si? Ri: z] n. series connection; Sequence; series
104 ankle ['k? Ankle [mir? Mirror; reflect
105 billion ['bilj? Pron & kloc-0/1255 scattered points [sk? t? Spread, spread, spread, spread.
106 Vivid ['Vivid' A. Vivid, vivid and vivid 256 means [mi: NZ] N. Method; way
Guy, guy (male), guy 257 liquid, liquid.
Cartoon ['cartoon] n.cartoon, cartoon ... dive into the water and lower your head.
109 dirt [d? Scar, scar. To frighten, alarm. Scare (panic, panic)
Burden, burden Burden v. burden, burden, trouble 260 ban [b? Prohibition; Class; prohibit
Stable ['stable] a. stable; stable; Stable; Stable? surfing
1 12 wallet [p? Wallets, funds, money, wealth v. Wrinkle, shrink 262 peas.
1 13 pub [ p? A pub; Inn section 263 ['p? r? Paragraph vt. subparagraph ...
Especially 1 14[p? tikj? l? Li. Very, very, very special 264 fog [f? Be covered with fog, be covered with fog
115 skate [skeit, Skit] 5. Skating; Frown, frown
1 16 sum [ s? Total, total, total, total 266 symbols? Symbol, sign, symbol
Brief ['brief] a. 1.brief; brief; brief ... evil; evil
Farther ['far] n.flash, flash, flash, flash.
County ['county] n.county, county comparison? ntr? Difference, contrast, contrast, contrast
120 frame [freim] n. frame, structure, skeleton v. composition, design, frame 270 pants [p? Nts] pants; pants
12 1 auto ['? :t? u]n . Auto 27 1 instance[' inst? Take ... as an example, for example
Witness ['witness] n.witness to witness ...); Witness 272 poison ['p? Poison, immoral thing, poison v. Poison, destruction, poison
123 beast[bi:ST]n . beast; Animals; Beast 273 Deer [Di? ] deer
Deaf, deaf? k? ] Business English Football
125 quiz [kwiz] n. mischief 275 crisis [kraisis] n. crisis; Dangerous period; Critical moment
Gentle ['meek] n.a gentle, gentle and gentle victim, victim.
Rank ['rank] n.luxurious, smelly, disgusting, rank, rank at 277 gamble? [MBL] Take a gamble.
Project, project? Item 278 Bull, Bull
129 the latter ['l? t? ] English recitation anthology. Tide ['tide] n.tide; tide; tide; tide
130 career [k? ri? ] career [? 'w? : d] prizes; Ruling; prize
13 1 pace [s? Ul] a. soles; sole (of the foot)
Mayor, mayor, mayor
133 media ['mi:dj? ] media, news media, media 283 semesters [si'mest? ] time limit
Leave, quit, stop dolphins? dolphin
135 bold [ b? Uld] a. bold, bold and eye-catching 285 torch [t? :t? Flashlight, flashlight, flashlight
136 Author ['? :θ? [English extensive reading material author V. Creating and writing 286 scenes; Scenes; sight
137 robot [r? ub? t,r? b? Robot [di' z\:ST? ] disaster, disaster
Honey? Ni] honey, baby A. Honey-like 288 story [pl? Conspiracy, plan
139 wander [ 'w? nd? Wandering, rambling, wandering 289 area.
140, dear? Dear, lovely people, lovely things.
14 1 border [ 'b? :d? The boundary of ... is bounded by 29 1 soda[s? ud? ] Soda, Soda, carbonated water.
Funeral? r? Funeral, funeral 292 salary? l? Pay a salary to ... ...
Wisdom, intelligence, intelligence Hold on, hold on, hold on
144 mute [d? M] a. dumb; Don't talk; Limping, limping.
145 folk songs [f? Song, melody, mood, adjustment, harmony
146 mere [ mi? [STRI: M] pure [stri: m] only [stri: m] small lake 296 stream [stri: m] n. flow, current, crowd v. make it flow out
147 bat [b? Bat, Bat 297 China? ain? ] Business English Ceramics
Slim ['slim] a. flimsy; flimsy despise leather.
149 hen [hen] n. hen, female bird 299 breeze [bri: z] n. breeze; Coal dust; A piece of cake
Climate; atmosphere; atmosphere slogan? ug? Slogan, slogan
Bark, bark.
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Characteristics of tax practice course:
Comprehensive explanation of major tax practices of various taxes and industries.