Mp is very important in spot trading, because it will affect the transaction price and direction. Buyers and sellers in the market will find a balance point on mp and determine the specific transaction price. If the buyer's demand in the market is greater than the seller's supply, mp will rise, and then the seller will tend to raise the offer. On the contrary, if the seller's supply is greater than the buyer's demand, mp will drop, and then the buyer will choose a lower offer. Therefore, an accurate understanding and mastery of mp is the basis of spot trading.
In spot trading, finding the right mp is one of the keys to the success or failure of the transaction. Traders can determine mp from many angles, such as viewing historical trends, studying macroeconomic environment, and analyzing policy changes. In addition, you need to pay attention to leverage and risk control when trading, because mp fluctuates very quickly and violently, and sometimes there may be huge losses. Therefore, the ability to correctly grasp market trends and risk control is an important guarantee for the profitability of spot trading.