Flexible Bao 60 is a regular wealth management product of Netease, with a closed period of 60 days. The initial investment amount of this product is 100 yuan, and the upper limit of single investment amount is 500,000 yuan. There is no upper limit for multiple investments, and the historically expected annualized expected rate of return is 5.50%. Repay the principal and interest in one lump sum after maturity. If the purchase is successful before 15 on the same day, interest will be calculated on the second working day.
Flexible Bao 60 is a 60-day regular wealth management product:
But behind it is a monetary fund-Southern Cash Connect E (0007 19). It is a money fund product, and the expected annualized expected income is higher than other baby products. Because it is essentially a money fund, it mainly invests in short-term monetary instruments, such as government bonds, central bank bills, and bank time deposit certificates. Therefore, the money fund belongs to the fund type with less risk, and there has never been any money fund loss in the history of China money fund.
It should be noted that although this product is a money fund, it has a 60-day closure period. Of course, it doesn't mean that these 60 days can't be redeemed, but the holding time is less than 60 days. The expected annualized expected return is calculated according to the actual expected annualized expected return of the Monetary Fund, and Netease's preferential treatment cannot be obtained.