Generally speaking, there are many ways to inquire about the net value of funds. In addition to our most commonly used fund to buy official website, there are other channels to check the fund's net value. Give three methods to inquire the net value of funds.
1, fund company official website single fund net value inquiry:
If investors buy funds in a fund company, they can go to the company's official website to inquire. For example, Mr. Wang bought Tian Hong Zenglibao in Tian Hong Fund official website, so Mr. Wang Can inquired about Zenglibao's fund net value through Tian Hong Fund Management Co., Ltd. official website. The query result is shown in the following figure:
The method of inquiring fund net value through fund company official website is suitable for inquiring individual fund net value, but the disadvantage is that it is impossible to compare fund performance.
2, professional fund platform fund net value query:
Jimmy Fund, Tian Tian Fund and other professional fund websites not only collect detailed information of major fund varieties, but also provide daily inquiry function of fund net value. Investors can check the net value of funds through professional fund platforms, and at the same time get to know the net value of other funds, so as to keep abreast of the performance of each fund in the whole fund industry. The following are some results of the fund net value inquiry of Xiaomi Fund Platform:
3. Net fund inquiry of financial consulting platform:
Many financial consulting platforms provide fund net value inquiry function, and typical websites include financial circles, Sina Finance and so on. The following are the results of fund net value inquiry of some open-end funds in the financial sector.