The advantages of Sunshine Private Equity Fund mainly include:
First, excellent performance:
The long-term investment performance of Sunshine Private Equity Fund is better than that of the broader market, Public Offering of Fund and other stock-based wealth management products.
Second, the pursuit of absolute return:
The interests of private fund managers and investors are the same. The fixed management fee of private equity funds is very small, and it mainly depends on extracting 20% of the performance reward for survival and development, while the excess performance fee can only be extracted after each net value hits a new high. Investors make money, and private placement can make money. Therefore, private equity funds need to pursue absolute positive returns and control downside risks relatively strictly.
Third, flexible operation:
Positions can be flexibly adjusted between 0%- 100%, bull market can get all the profits of Man Cang, bear market can avoid systemic risks through short positions, and there are various investment strategies.