Short position means that investors and stock traders think that the current stock price is high, but it is bad for the stock market prospect, and they expect the stock price to fall, so they sell the borrowed stock in time and buy it when the stock price falls to a certain price, so as to obtain the difference income. This trading method of selling before buying and earning the difference from it is called short position. People usually refer to the stock market with a long-term downward trend as a short market, and the changes of stock prices in the short market are characterized by a series of sharp declines and small increases.
Long position means that investors are optimistic about the stock market and expect the stock price to be bullish, so they buy the stock at a low price and sell it when the stock rises to a certain price to obtain the difference income. Generally speaking, people usually call the stock market whose share price keeps rising for a long time a bull market. The main feature of stock price changes in bull market is a series of ups and downs.