As for your question, when investing in funds, of course, you should choose funds. How to choose here is a key. When you choose, you can go to the bank counter (or online banking), the website of the fund company, and the stock exchange to buy funds. Of course, because there are many bank outlets, it is most convenient to go to the bank. As a consignment agency, banks sell funds as agents, so it depends on whether the fund company entrusts the bank to sell, but almost every bank has it.
The transaction process is that you go to the bank counter to open a fund account first, and there is no handling fee. You can conduct fund transactions in online banking in the future.
So you should read a book first, mainly to cultivate the ability of how to choose a fund, and you should not always ask others, because others may have many opinions that they think are not suitable for you.
Or you can contact me again and wait for your inquiry, so that we can communicate and make progress together.