2. Graded fund (structured fund): refers to a fund variety that realizes two-level (or multi-level) risk-return performance through the decomposition of fund income or net assets under a portfolio and a certain differentiated fund share.
3. qualified domestic institutional investor. QDII Fund is a domestic financial investment institution approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission to invest Chinese funds in overseas capital markets. It is an investment choice for overseas asset allocation, which can better spread risks.
4.FOF): Funds in funds are funds invested in funds. Do not directly invest in stocks or bonds, but indirectly hold stocks or bonds by investing in other funds. Because there is an extra layer of nesting, the transaction cost of FOF fund is higher, but its risk is also lower, which is suitable for people who pursue stable income.
5. Exchange traded open index fund (ETF): commonly known as exchange traded fund (? ETF? ), an open-end fund with variable fund share, is listed and traded on the exchange.
6. Listed open-end fund (LOF): An open-end fund refers to an open-end fund that can purchase and redeem fund shares in the OTC market and trade, purchase or redeem fund shares in the exchange (OTC market).
The biggest difference of 7.7. ETF fund and LOF fund are their subscription and redemption methods. Are ETF funds used by investors? A basket? What do you get when you buy ETF shares and redeem them? A basket? Stocks, so the purchase and redemption of ETF funds need a lot of money, which is generally done by institutional investors, and individual investors only buy and sell through stock accounts.
8.LOF funds are exchanged in cash and fund shares, whether they are purchased or redeemed, or whether they are bought or sold. ETF funds are all a basket of stocks, so their positions can be Man Cang, while LOF funds are generally not Man Cang when dealing with the redemption of citizens.
The above is about the allocation of special funds. I hope it helps you. If you want to know more, please pay attention to this platform in time!