What is the Ruyibao interest rate of Minsheng Bank?
Minsheng Bank Ruyibao has 13 products with interest rates ranging from 2.25% to 3.52%. Every product has a different interest rate.
Ruyi Bao of Minsheng Bank can be redeemed at any time. Real-time redemption can be received in real time within 1 1,000 yuan, and before 24: 00 on T+ 1 day, so you can enjoy one more day's income.
In order to avoid too many real-time large redemptions affecting Ruyibao's business operation, Minsheng Bank and fund companies have set up real-time redemption totals. If the real-time redemption limit of the day is exceeded, the customer needs to make an appointment for redemption. There is no limit for the scheduled redemption, and the money will be transferred to the customer's account at T+ 1